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CANON EOS 1000Fn SLR Film Camera


Two years after debut of the highly successful original EOS 1000F/Rebel. Canon introduced the EOS-1000QD/Rebel II in April, 1992. The Company adopted the same philosophy of the predecessor with two separate models in either a choice of basic body or one with a built-in flash version. Similarly, two separate designations were used for US (Rebel II (QD) & Rebel S II (QD) and other markets (EOS-1000N & EOS-1000FN). Apparently, some great features found in earlier EOS-10s & EOS-100/Elan QD was deployed in this second generation Rebel where a silent film advance and rewind mechanism was used in its design (the noise reduction for film advance has significantly improved by approx. 40% and 35% in rewinding but infrared system used in EOS-10S was not used). Wel, the silent waves camera operation in some of these EOS bodies also work efficiently with the emergence of the second generation of micro-USM lenses. That is not all it has to offer, an improved AF performance and microcomputer of the camera has improved AF speed 50% faster than any of the earlier EOS-1000/Rebel QD models. Well, generally, I used to separate the original and second series via its new vertical-travel, focal-plane electronic shutter, which has an extended shutter speed range from 30 sec. to 1/2000 now (the original rebel has 1/000 top speed, but the sync speed of both series are still limiting to rather disappointing 1/90 sec). Another improvement is the incorporation of a popular redeye prevention system with the 1000FN/Rebel SII QD models.

CANON EOS 1000 F n

Other notable improvements over previous models are a slightly more powerful (GNO 14 as compared with 12) flash output for the built in flash for applicable models and a built-in soft focus mode. Errr ... there is also a choice of music selections (with beeper and selectable musical melodies by Vivaldi, Beethoven and Bach) when self-timer is activated during count down. In the case of the soft focus mode (similar to Minolta's soft focus program card), it is not running optically (you can use an EF lens with similar effect) but on both the EOS-1000FN/Rebel SII QD, It works by taking two images on the same film frame in rapid succession, shooting one sharp and then defocusing the lens for the second one (the ratio can be adjusted in 1:1 and 1:2). However, one discomforting part in the design of the camera is still centered around the black EF reinforced plastic lense bayonet mount.

CANON EOS 1000 F n

Although the camera is primarily designed for mass amateur users, where presumably owners may not always be frequently changing lenses, but the cleverly stealth black lense bayonet mount is one area that might raise some doubt over durability issue. The metering and exposure control modes provide is extensive enough for anyone to make good use of them for tackling any photographic situations. The camera has a flexibleexposure control in shutter priority AE, aperture priority AE, intelligent program AE, four PIC image Modes, depth-of-field priority AE TTL, A-TTL flash program AE and metered manual via the use of a composite 6-zone SPC photosensor, provides fail-safe evaluative metering, and center partial metering for tricky lighting metering.

The wind is free and, not all sharks live in the ocean! One owned a Dive Shop in Blakehurst & ripped off his employees!!! Luckily has since been closed!

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